In the 21st century, kids are totally absorbed in the internet world. The Internet has become a centre for learning, gathering and exploring the world but everything world has its own pros and cons. No matter how much government intervenes and try to protect, there are many hawks sitting in silence and waiting for their prey. Although internet browsers, social app and websites claim to protect the privacy cases we come across once in a while don’t support their claim at all and being a responsible parent, it is your responsibility to keep your children safe while using the internet. At DEN Broadband we try to help you protect your privacy.
Here our customers not only purchase the best broadband in Delhi from us but also We allow to withhold the security of your family members.
Here are few internet safety tips we have listed exclusively for you-
Secure the internet network
Is your internet already protected? Make sure it does not get spammed by intruders. Or else, you might have to compromise internet security. The first step is to pick the best one from the plenty of broadband plans available in the market. At last, enable the encryption. It prevents strangers from accessing your network.
Practice safe social networking
It can be anybody and any age. As a first step, teach all your family members about social media networking. There are good ways to use such platforms. Make them aware of the cyber crimes happening in society. They must know how to use social media safely. Do not let them share many personal photos and information. It is definitely not safe in this internet era.
Go for only safe online gaming
Online gaming has totally attracted today’s kids. If not taken care, it can also lead to some internet harassment. Do not give it a chance! Ask your kids not to reveal any of the information related to personal identity. Keep a check on their gaming activities. In fact, it would be recommended to use parenting control in the gaming console. If you are in Delhi, we at DEN Broadband will be happy to serve with the
Installation of parental control
It might sound strict! But, your children need controlling. Just help them understand your fears. They will understand and respect your concern. When you use parenting control, it is possible to block harmful websites. In turn, keep control of their online activities. Ask your broadband plans service provider for more information.
Use of strong password
Keep strong passwords for all your online accounts. There will be a lesser chance of losing out your precious information. What should a strong password contain? Let it be a mixture of a letter, numbers, special characters, and symbols. Add a security question to provide an additional protection layer. Teach everyone in your family to follow the same procedure while setting up the passwords.
Educate your family about possible internet threats
Apart from parenting control and safe use of social media, there is something else to look upon. You and your family must be aware of possible internet safety threats so that you will know how to prevent them. You just have to spend some extra hours researching. Learn how to be safe from online dangers, don’t worry! You need not be technical to learn them.
Hope you received the best safety measure tips to prevent internet threats. Choose the right broadband plan as a first step and then move on to the implementation of these tips. If you are looking for reliable broadband plans in Delhi, you can contact DEN Broadband.